Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Concerns and Pre-Writing

I am concerned that theme or controlling argument for this assignment is not clear enough yet. I am analyzing an AP Environmental Science class at Paschal, but I haven't met the teacher or the students yet and have no idea how I am going to structure this paper.

My second concern is that I have read the description for this assignment over 5 times and I am still unsure of what I am supposed to be doing. Am I supposed to be analyzing the sources or the topic?

Source 1:
Textbook- "Living in the Environment". I chose this because it will be a huge tell to how the class is thematically structured. The book obviously is concentrated on environmental science and I noticed that it covers a lot of information that I learned in my environmental science class here last semester.

Source 2:
Class Syllabi- I haven't had a chance to look at it yet because of other circumstances, but this will also give a good idea as to what is the hope for the class as far as goals, and expectations.

Source 3:
"The Planet Earth" and "The Blue Planet" videos are apparently used in the class as supplemental work and to visually illustrate certain points to the class.

Source 4:
Interviews with Mr. Brinker and his class will demonstrate first hand knowledge of the goals for the class in and what is actually being done besides what is expressed on paper/

1 comment:

  1. I think the sources are as primary as you can get since they are "straight from the horse's mouth." Your topic is a difficult one to find sources for and I think you've done a great job of getting them.

    I believe I can address you're first concern in the coming paragraph as it helps solidify your controlling idea. As to the 2nd concern, I'd say you look at the sources and analyze them as to how they impact your topic.

    For a controlling idea, look closer into whether or not the Environmental Science class actually encourages Green living and qualifies as Green education. For instance, look at the syllabus and see what they are targeting for the class.

    The sources are definitely primary, I just suggest that you make sure they are directly related to your topic.
