Thursday, April 2, 2009

Author's Note for 1st draft

I totally forgot to post my author's note with my 1st draft, so here it is after the fact.

This is the 1st draft and I really like what I have. It is missing a statistic because I am waiting on that individual to get back to me with that info. I am always open to hearing suggestions on what will sound better as far as phrasing. Please identify anything that sounds confusing or needs more expansion. Please comment on whether there is enough commentary or if you think I should add some more argumentative points. As always, please check for grammar and punctuation.


1 comment:

  1. Kanika,
    I really liked your letter to the editor. I have to say that it is well written and is powerful.
    To develop ethos in the early parts of the letter you could include your position as an RA which you have already established so you are fine there.
    The organization of your letter is okay. I cannot think of another way to organize your letter in a manner where it would make more sense. The logos being used is that people understand that being an RA is not an easy job.Another logos is that with the current economic situation people are looking more into this position.
    You develop pathos in that you have expressed some feelings of frustration of being an RA.
    Your style is that you lay out the letter in a manner that is easy to follow and engage with.
    You have all of the aspects of the letter to the editor, you sign your name, you address the article, etc.
    what was interesting about the letter was getting an inside view from a person who is an RA into seeing that it is not an easy job to do.
    The letter is quite effective, just remember to include those statistics you have not yet included.
    I think you have developed your arguments quite well, and they are in balance with the commentary.
    De nada...
